Daniel’s Story



It wasn’t always that way. I grew up a happy child and although my mother was battling cancer, we held strong and stuck together as a family. Until the day my world fell apart, the day my father got sentenced to ten years in prison. My mum died shortly after that; she must have lost her will to live. And that’s how I, a fourteen-year-old, found myself all alone on this world, with no father to guide me and no motherly love.

I spent my days wandering aimlessly, slowly drifting into trouble, heading towards a world of juvenile delinquency. And while I wasn’t exactly homeless – kind relatives took me into their home – there was no one around to ask me how I felt or why I wasn’t at school. I was on my own.

I was in one of those run-down parts of town, trudging between fast-food joints and internet cafes lost in my thoughts, when I heard someone say, “Brother, what’s wrong?” I looked up to see a young man, possibly in his twenties, looking at me expectantly. I don’t know what on earth made me trust him, but it was probably the best decision I ever made.

Uncharacteristically, I opened up to him and told him my story, ineffectively trying to hide my tears. I let him in to my inner world and told him of my pain and suffering, whilst he stood there listening sympathetically. And then this young man said the words that changed my life forever. He said, “May I introduce you to Kol Bonaich”.

Arriving at Kol Bonaich was like arriving to my new home. Yes! I’ve got a home. Yes! I’m not alone. Kol Bonaich is with me every step of the way. From helping me train towards a profession, helping me find a job, providing therapy sessions, warm meals and a warm, sweet home, they helped me stand on my own two feet.

Today, I am a young, successful business owner and am happily married with two kids and a wonderful wife. Can I just use this platform to express my deepest gratitude to Kol Bonaich for giving me another chance in life.

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